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Charity fundraiser for Jac Mathot – Saturday 16th November 2024

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A member of the SEADECK family needs your help. Jac Mathot is a young man with a terrible problem. At just 22, he has been diagnosed with metastatic Ewings Sarcoma, 
an aggressive cancer of bone and connecting tissue which has a notoriously poor survival rate.

For decades there have been no significant advances in treating Ewing Sarcoma. Conventional treatments – high-dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy - have only a one-in-four likelihood of working.

Now, almost miraculously, Jac has another treatment option. Doctors have found that a revolutionary new drug, developed for breast cancer, can also be used to treat his cancer.

Doctors think this is really worth trying, but in Jac’s rare case the new drug is not covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, and the drug company has declined to provide compassionate access. Therefore, His family must pay the huge cost in full – which will be at least $100,000.
So please join us on Saturday night, November 16, at the Olympic Hotel in Paddington for a party to raise money for Jac’s potentially life-saving treatment.

We’re taking over the whole pub for a night of live music, DJs, and a celebrity auction. Your ticket will include wine, beer, food, and the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve helped a great young man in desperate need.

We're thrilled to announce that Ben Morgan will be bringing his nostaligic sound and raw talent to the evening. Ben is a songwriter and an emerging Australian coastal-folk artist, heavily influenced by older American and UK folk music.

Fundraiser hosted by Olympic Hotel, supported by SEADECK! Come to a party & help save Jac’s life! ❤️

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16 November 2024
13:00 - 18:00

CRi – Sydney

VIP/Table Booking Enquiry